Monday 14 September 2009

jump start

Well Gwyn has prompted me into writing something new on my blog, not least because I realised that if anyone was to follow the link from his to this, they would see what appears at first glance to be the belligerent, expletive-peppered rantings of someone less than at ease with life. But that was way back in June, and since then the world has taken on a gay, rosy hue. I've got married, been to a couple of festivals, learnt how to make a new curry, popped in and popped out quite a bit, and generally mellowed over those long three months.

I will remind my self and my loyal follower(s) of some of the highlights of the summer in due course, but for now it seems better simply to say what happens to be in my mind just at this very moment. Being Monday at 9am, it should be 'do some work', which I will in a minute. I've got to put the finishing touches to a paper I've written for a fairly esteemed journal - and which was an invited article so they'll probably have to publish it - ha! - however the touches are probably not finishing enough because I should check some of the numbers and stats and things. Not really the sort of thing you want to be doing on a Monday. Still, I am pleased that the graph goes up like I want it to (Gwyn helped with the aesthetics of it, thanks Gwyn) and I didn't even have to fabricate my data, which is something I would never do in any case. (This can be proven by the fact that I put a lot of time into doing a big piece of research last year and the numbers were all over the place and didn't remotely do what I wanted them to, and I stolidly resisted any temptation to torture the numbers to my own ends, so there, imaginary examiner, I am right and you not only do not exist but are wrong wrong wrong.)

That'll do for now. Not a swear word in sight, only the slightest evidence of an angry persona lurking beneath, and no reference to heavy drinking whatsoever. I am an angel, pure as fresh stationery. And I'm going to check my graphs.

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